VODRV9555 static balancing valve
Differential pressure is an important issue in the pipeline.
If the pressure difference is too small, it will cause the temperature difference of the heating-cooling system, thus increasing energy consumption.
To choose the correct static balancing valve, first calculate the Kv value, then set the valve to the expected rate.

Material type:
Valve and Bonnet: GG 25 Ductile Iron
Disc: GG 25 Ductile Iron


Nominal diameter:
DN65 (2 1/2”) - DN300 (12”)

Working pressure:
Max 25 bar

Working temperature:
Depending on the material structure, the temperature range is -20 & ordm; C ~ 120 & ordm; C

Typical application:
-Heating-Cooling Line
-Industrial Pipeline
- Plumbing
-Air Conditioning Pipeline

2019/07/15 08:30:26