TFS135 bimetal temperature switch

M12 x1 aviation plug

Square plug to DIN EN 175301-803

M12 x 1 aviation plug with support tube
Machinery Manufacturing
Cooling and heating circuits

Fixed switch temperature
Switch action does not carry current
Automatic reset
No additional supply voltage
Switching voltage up to AC 250 V / 2.5 A

The temperature switch is usually used in the field of temperature limiting. Such devices are capable of monitoring the temperature of machines and equipment, such as stopping the machine when the temperature is too high, or turning on the fan cooling equipment.
Bimetal is the basic component of the WIKA TFS135 temperature switch. The bimetal can sense temperature changes and flash jumps when the temperature reaches the standard switching temperature (NST).
When the temperature cools to the reset switch temperature (RST) or below, the switch returns to its original state.
Reset switch temperature is typically 15 ... 30 K lower than the switch temperature.
Electrical contact type
TFS135 bimetal temperature switch has a normally closed electrical contact inside.
Normally closed electrical contacts (NC = closed under normal conditions) can open the circuit to stop the machine.
After the temperature drops below the reset switching temperature, the electrical contacts return to their original state and the monitored device will operate again.
For extended temperature control, the TFS135 has a second normally closed contact or an additional Pt1000/Pt100 measuring element.

2019/07/30 09:14:51