TC10-B Thermocouple Thermometer

With BSZ connector

With 1/4000 connector
Machinery, equipment and tank manufacturing
Energy Technology, Power Plants
Food & Beverage Industry
Sanitary, Heating and Air Conditioning Technology

Sensor range: -40 °C ... +1200 °C
Suitable for all standard jacket designs
Load spring ferrule (replaceable)
Explosion-proof type

This series of thermocouples can be used with a variety of jackets. When there is no sheath protection, it is only recommended to apply in special cases.
The thermocouple can be equipped with a variety of sensors, connectors, insertion depth, neck length and jacket. Therefore, the thermometer is suitable for jackets of all sizes and applications.
We can install WIKA transmitters on top of the TC10-B.

2019/07/30 16:02:33