A2G-25 gas flow meter
Measure the gas flow of the radial fan
Combined with the A2G-FM measuring probe for measuring gas flow in the duct
Differential pressure measurement

Product Features
directly select the electrical output signal by jumper on the device: DC 0 … 10 V or 4 … 20 mA
Output gas flow signal and differential pressure signal in the same instrument
Easy to install and debug
Maintenance Free
Maximum operating pressure: 20 kPa

A2G-25 model gas flow meter is used to measure the flow of gaseous media in ventilation equipment and air conditioning equipment.
The measurement of gas flow depends on the measured differential pressure and the K factor multiplied by it. The K factor depends on the ventilation equipment used or the size and number of duct measurement probes. The K factor of a normal ventilator has been programmed into A2G-25. When using the A2G-FM type measuring probe or other ventilation equipment, the K factor input is very convenient and fast.
This product can provide two kinds of output signals (0… 10V or 4… 20 Ma; select the signal output through the jumper on the device), or connect the digital Modbus® output signal directly to the control system. Or building automation systems.
Differential pressure measurements can be read by LC and transmitted via analog or digital output signals. The A2G-2 gas flow meter measures both gas flow and differential pressure. Its built-in LC display and navigation settings simplify product commissioning and reduce commissioning time.
A2G-25 can measure gas flows up to 200,000 m3/h, while differential pressures can be as high as 7,000 Pa.

2019/07/29 09:33:18