CTD9300 dry shaft furnace

Bio & Pharmaceutical Industry
Food Industry
Highly required on-site verification
Measurement and Control Laboratory in the Chemical Industry
Power station and equipment construction
has an intuitive, easy-to-use menu that is easy to operate
Large display that is easy to read
Achieve very short response times with optimized controls
Higher accuracy through uniform temperature distribution
Whether in the laboratory, in the workshop or on the spot, these dry well temperature calibrators can meet a variety of calibration needs. An integrated measuring instrument is available for all models to measure resistance, thermal voltage and current signals (from thermometers with 0/4… 20 mA transmitters) and display them directly in °C. Fully automatic verification of electronic thermometers can be done anytime, anywhere with our calibration software and laptop. In addition, users can integrate measuring instruments into existing calibrators.
Two models (temperature range -35 ... +650 ° C)
Dry well calibrator has two temperature ranges, of which CTD9300-165 type temperature range is -35 ... +165 & deg; C, mainly used in biotechnology, pharmaceutical and food Industrial applications; while the CTD9300-650 has a temperature range of 40 & deg; C ... 650 & deg; C.
This product is mainly used in power stations, machinery manufacturing and chemical industries. All models can be mounted to the module for large measuring inserts with a diameter of 28 mm and a length of 150 mm.
Simple, fast, and reliable verification
We understand the customer's needs very well: now the customer's requirements for the calibrator are not limited to high reliability and accuracy, but also the safety and simplicity of operation. Our dry well calibrators use metal blocks that are electrically cooled and heated. Different diameter inserts allow verification of test probes of different diameters.
The CTD9300 Series calibrators use our controllers developed specifically for calibration work to achieve temperature set points very quickly, which also helps to save costs.