CTH7000 Handheld Thermometer

Precision thermometer for accurate temperature measurement in the range of -200 ... +962 °C
Reference gauges for testing, conditioning, and calibration of temperature measuring instruments in factory and calibration laboratories
Complete stand-alone system can also be used for on-site measurement/verification work
Temperature range: -200 ... +962 °C
Stability: < 0.005 °C/year
Platinum Resistance (PRT) and RTD Thermometer Dual Input Measurements for Single or Differential Measurements
High long-term stability
CTH7000 Handheld Thermometer is a high performance dual channel thermometer with Pt100 and RTD probes. It is battery powered and has higher measurement accuracy than other thermometers.
CTH7000 has the high accuracy and resolution that is usually available in top-level thermometers to meet all application requirements of users. With two inputs, the CTH7000 can directly capture the temperature of the Pt100 and RTD probes and display their temperature difference. Measurements can be recorded directly into memory or controlled and recorded via a USB port using a computer.
CTH7000 can display statistical analysis results of measured values, including average, minimum, maximum and standard deviation.
Since the CTH7000 can display resistance (ohms) and temperature, one probe can be used to verify the other. Most instruments require the verified probe data to be entered into memory to optimize measurement accuracy. In this way, if you change the probe frequently, you need to input a lot of data.
With the ASL's SMART connector on the probe, you only need to enter the data once in the connector, the calibration data will remain on the probe permanently! This probe can be used on other CTH7000 thermometers without further operation. SMART connectors save time and reduce errors. If you already have a probe that has been or has not been verified, it doesn't matter. The CTH7000 thermometer automatically records whether the probe used is a SMART or a normal probe.