CPC6050 Pressure Controller
Application of pressure controllers
Medical and aviation industry
Industrial (laboratory, workshop and production line)
Transmitter and Pressure Gauge Manufacturer
Calibration Services and Service Industries
R&D Lab

Functional characteristics of pressure controller
Pressure Range: -0.1 ...21 MPa
Control speed < 10 seconds
Control Stability < 0.003 % (normal 0.001 %FS)
Accuracy: 0.01% of reading
Accuracy: 0.004% FS

Description of pressure controller
CPC6050 pressure controller module can be flexibly configured to meet the needs of customers. The pressure controller is equipped with up to two independent pressure regulating channels that can be operated simultaneously. Each channel can be equipped with up to two transmitters. The instrument can also be equipped with an atmospheric pressure reference to simulate gauge or absolute pressure. In addition, the instrument is available in both a desktop chassis and a 19-inch rack mount.
This controller has a pressure range of -0.1...21 MPa and an accuracy of 0.01% IS-50, making it suitable for many applications in calibration laboratories and production environments. The instrument controls the minimum pressure of 2.5 kPa (10 inches of water) and maintains high stability, making it an ideal solution for calibration and verification in the medical and aerospace industries. The CPC6050 pressure controller features a synchronous calibration channel, an interchangeable plug-and-play pressure transmitter, and an intuitive operator interface for ease of use and maintenance.
Equipped with a touch screen with an intuitive user interface for easy operation. A variety of menu languages ​​are available to further improve operability. Specify a specific pressure setting by means of touch screen input or remote interface transmission. The pressure can be changed with a programmable defined step value using the STEP button. Moreover, users can easily create multiple test programs using the instrument menu. Depending on the application, you can choose from fast, medium, slow or user-defined variable rates for control.
The WIKA-CAL calibration software makes it easy to calibrate pressure measurement instruments and generate test certificates. In addition, the pressure controller can remotely control the instrument using the serial command format, or use the Mensor standard, SCPI, or other optional command set.

2019/07/26 14:25:27