111.26 Bourdon tube pressure gauge, copper alloy

Applies to gas and liquid media that are not highly viscous or crystallizable and do not attack copper alloy parts
Pneumatic device
Heating and air conditioning technology
Small Capacity Compressor
Medical Engineering
Specially suitable for panel mounting
Reliable and cost-effective
Designed to EN 837-1 standard
Standard sizes: 40, 50, and 63mm
Measurement range: up to 0 ... 40 MPa
Conforms to EN 837-1 Standard
Standard size (mm)
40, 50, and 63
Accuracy level
0 ... 0.06 to 0 ... 40 MPa
or all other equivalent negative pressure ranges or positive and negative pressure linkages
Pressure limit
Stability: 3/4 x full scale value
Fluctuation: 2/3 x full scale value
Overvoltage protection: full scale value
Allow temperature
Environmental temperature: -20 … +60°C
Medium temperature: up to +60°C
Temperature impact
When the temperature of the measurement system fluctuates around the reference temperature (+20 °C), the maximum change is the range ± 0.4 %/10 K