Cogeneration unit
A few years ago, cogeneration units were also dedicated to power plants, industrial buildings or residential developments, and now they are flooding into the basement of private homes. Through the development of “Micro-Pneumatic Cogeneration Units (CHP)”, along with the development footprint of washing machines, such cogeneration units (CHP) are gradually entering private homes and are beginning to become relevant. For this type of domestic cogeneration unit (CHP) solution, we offer a range of reliable, cost-effective measuring instruments for pressure, temperature and level detection. For example, customers can choose to check the internal combustion engine oil pressure with our A-10 electronic pressure transmitter; if the oil level is to be stabilized at a reliable level, then our photoelectric level switch OLS-C01 or magnetic float switch FLS can be used. .

oil temperature measurement can be selected with a threaded thermometer TF35, an expansion thermometer with a signal output TGT70 or a safe temperature limiter SB15. With mechanical and electronic pressure gauges (PGS and PGT), you can monitor the water pressure in the entire heating circuit, while at the same time controlling the switching ring with electrical signals.

2019/05/17 16:15:07