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Fire Equipment

Wet alarm valve fire extinguishing system and equipment

       Due to its resistance to freezing, the wet alarm valve is only suitable for systems above +4 °C. Alarm check valves and flow detectors are used to detect mechanical and electronic alarm signals.
Application range
        -shopping center
        - high-rise buildings and residences

Wet alarm valve body
Size: 3", 4", 6", 8"
Assembly type: flange x flange, flange x groove, groove x groove
Assembly direction: vertical
Working pressure: 250 psi
Certification: FM, UL

In wet sprinkler systems, retarders are used to prevent false alarms from panic.
Material: stainless steel
Connection: 3⁄4” BSPT
Working pressure: 250 psi
Certification: FM, UL
Hydraulic alarm
The water alarm is used for fire alarms in wet sprinkler systems. It acts after the retarder and is used in conjunction with an alarm valve.
Filters are usually used before the water alarm.
Material: aluminum alloy
Connection: 3⁄4” BSPT
Working pressure: 250 psi
Certification: FM, UL
Pressure Switch
The pressure switch is used to detect pressure changes to alert the system. Can be divided into air pressure switch and water pressure switch two types. Suitable for indoor and outdoor use. The pressure adjustment range is 4-20 psi. The factory setting pressure adjustment range is 4-8 psi.
Working temperature: -40 °C ~ +71 °C
Connection: 3⁄4” BSPT
Working pressure: 1⁄2” NPT
Certification: FM, UL, ULC

How does a wet sprinkler system work
       When the sprinkler head (1) is opened, the water flow opens the valve flap (2) and flows into the pipeline (3), first passing through the delay chamber (4), so that the pressure switch (6) therein receives the fire alarm signal, and then the hydraulic alarm bell (5) Issue a mechanical alarm to ring.


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  • ADDRESS:Room 1103, Block A, Wuxi National Industrial Design Park
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