It is used to receive the output signal of the OS&Y gate valve and deliver it to the control panel. Thus, the user can know the status of the valve. Suitable for indoor and outdoor use.
Connection Type
Operating temperature
0°C - 80°C
Connection size
2” – 12”
Contact value
EPS10-1: A group of SPDTs (Type C)
EPS10-2: Two groups of SPDT (Type C) 1 0.0 A
1⁄2 H P @ 125/250 VAC 2.5 A @ 6/12/24 VDC
Application range
Used with OS&Y gate valves
-UL certification
-Ulc certification
-FM certification
Positioners are often used with NRS non-rising gate valves to prevent freezing risks. Since the piping system is installed underground, the positioner is used to indicate whether the user's valve is open or closed. It is suitable for indoor and outdoor operation.
Connection Type
Horizontal or vertical
Connection size
4” – 12”
Application range
Underground pipeline system
-UL certification
-Ulc certification
-FM certification