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Insulation product

Expansion joint sheath

Steam traps and valves require regular maintenance, so easy-to-use and detachable insulation jackets are suitable for these applications than fixed insulators. The valve sleeve is a simple and intelligent solution that prevents heat loss around the valve on cold or hot liquid delivery lines.
The thermal efficiency of the sleeve insulation depends on a number of factors, including process temperature, ambient temperature and wind speed.
Uninsulated valves can cause energy loss, and using a valve sleeve to minimize energy loss can help reduce operating costs. The easy-to-remove valve sleeve also makes maintenance easy.

hot water and steam lines
Refinery and natural gas processing plant
Petrochemical plant
Power Plant
Military facilities
Food and Oil Factory
Textile industry
Plastic Factory
Pharmaceutical factory

What is the cost of each uninsulated valve?
The amount of heat loss per uninsulated valve or steam trap is equivalent to its surface area. But what does this mean? Let us explain by an example.
Assuming an uninsulated ball valve (4 rd, DN 100) is applied to the 160 & deg; C fluid system, it will bring 1.99 W of energy loss per hour, which is equivalent to 629 m Natural gas consumption of 3.
* Calculations are based on the ASTM C 1129-12 standard. Assumption: wind speed (2 m/s), ambient temperature (25 & deg; C), emissivity (0.95) * cycle time is assumed to be 5000 hours, natural gas price is 0.4 euros. The calculation object is a flanged shut-off valve.

The thermographic image proves the difference!
The method of finding heat loss is to use a thermal imager. We look forward to sharing the performance of Ayvaz valves and steam traps!

Cost savings of up to 90%
Thanks to the thermal insulation of Ayvaz valves and steam traps, you can save up to 90% in cost. You will soon get investment income!

Characteristics of the valve sleeve

Thermal insulation
Ayvaz valve and steam traps are designed to minimize energy loss. The valve sleeve material is made of Aspen aerogel hydrophobic insulation with low thermal conductivity. Cryogel X201 is suitable for temperature range 0 or deg; C ~ 200 & deg; C, Pyrogel XT is suitable for temperature range 200 & deg; C ~ 650° C.
Ropes and fabrics
Fabric selection for Ayvaz valves and steam traps is based on system temperature. Glass fiber fabrics with a silicon cover (80 gr-100 gr) are typically used. Sewing with Kevlar and stainless steel wire. A woven glass fiber rope having high temperature resistance is preferably present in the vicinity of the tying point.
The Ayvaz valve sleeve is available for all valve and steam trap types from DN25 to DN300. To customize other sizes, please contact our sales team.

Advantages of Ayvaz valve sleeves compared to other valve sleeves made of traditional insulation materials
High thermal efficiency:
Ayvaz valves and traps use high-tech insulation with low thermal conductivity to reduce heat loss, resulting in considerable thermal and economic benefits.

Easy to install:
The thickness of Aspen aerogel insulation (Pyrogel XT, Cryogel X201) is typically 2-4 times thinner than other widely used insulation materials. This makes the Ayvaz valve sleeve more compact and easier to install.

Stable performance:
Ayvaz valves and steam traps are soft and flexible, and they retain their excellent elasticity to restore thermal insulation even after extreme compression. In addition, the high water resistance of the valve sleeve provides a degree of moisture protection.

Small size:
        Ayvaz valve sleeves have a compact material volume, high packing density and low reject rate, and are at least 3 times smaller than other traditional insulating material.
Long service life and environmental protection
Aspen aerogel insulation has high tensile strength and compressive strength. The valve sleeve can undergo repeated use and disassembly without remaining deformed for a long time. Waste landfill can be used at one time without respirable fiber.

Why is a seemingly economical solution actually costly?
Using insulating materials to reduce energy loss is the right choice. However, when you choose a product solution, give priority to “low price", it may be wrong.
If you only pay attention to the cost when purchasing a valve or steam trap, it may be counterproductive.

At first glance, the economical rock wool valve sleeve has a very short service life. The insulation of these products will soon be reduced in a few years and must be replaced. Therefore, you need to choose a high-performance product with a long service life to reduce energy costs. The insulation of Ayvaz valves and steam traps lasts for 20 years and the overall product life is up to 10 years, and you will soon recover your investment costs.

The camera image shows the truth that you can't see with your naked eyes
Rockwool valve sleeves are susceptible to moisture and mechanical stress resulting in reduced performance. But Ayvaz valves and steam traps always maintain high performance!

Rockwool valve sleeves are unlikely to save you money. This is the evidence.
Light, strong, durable
The thin and thin valve sleeves can be assembled in a very narrow and limited space, saving time and labor during installation and maintenance. This is because the Ayvaz valve sleeve is highly resistant to physical deformation and maintains excellent thermal insulation even after multiple disassembly and reassembly.
Product Manual
Click here to download Expansion Joint Jacket Brochure
Download Manual (PDF) 


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  • ADDRESS:Room 1103, Block A, Wuxi National Industrial Design Park
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