SK-55L is a mechanical steam trap that discharges condensate through a mechanical float system. When the system is cold, the incoming steam is discharged through the open thermostatic discharge device. When the condensed water enters and gradually fills the trap, the float floats due to the difference in density, causing the drain valve to open, thereby discharging the condensed water. As the temperature of the condensate rises, the exhaust valve port closes, but at this point the float still floats, so the condensate continues to drain. When steam enters the trap, the float drops and the drain valve closes. There is always a certain water level in the trap to ensure good water seal and no steam leakage.
SK-55L is generally horizontal installation. If the fluid is from top to bottom, it should be installed vertically.
Please refer to the product label and technical data sheet to determine the required installation direction. Please check the maximum working temperature and pressure. Please determine the correct installation direction according to the flow direction of the condensate (flow direction marked on the valve body). If the condensate is directly discharged into the external atmosphere, take the necessary safety precautions. Please set a mounting distance of 200 mm to remove the bonnet and internal parts without moving the steam trap.