The formation of hard deposits in boilers (stones and muds) is caused by some impurities and corrosion products contained in the water. Water impurities include dissolved calcium, magnesium chloride, sulfate, and silicon; corrosion products include iron and copper. The water impurities in the boiler come from condensate leakage and boiler feed water (replenishment); corrosion products from corrosion also come from condensate and feed water.
Sedimentation causes fuel waste in the boiler, productivity is slightly reduced, and more importantly, metal annealing and pipeline explosion occur in overheating. The boiler zone that accumulates the biggest problem is the evaporator pipe around the burner in the combustion chamber. A system for preventing problems caused by these hard accumulating compounds and discharging hard materials from the boiler is referred to as a boiler automatic bottom drain system.
Gravel type
Calcium carbonate (the most common type of stone), calcium sulphate, silica, phosphate stones, magnesium and magnesium stones, aluminum, iron oxide (usually corrosive in boilers and condensate lines) product).
Accumulation effect
Reduced thermal conductivity: Stone is a poor thermal conductor and can be used as an insulator, as shown by various conductivity values. The resulting scale layer results in a reduction in steam generation. In addition, the scale layer formed increases fuel consumption and increases the unit cost of steam generation.
Temperature build-up in the metal wall: As the stone-coated walls prevent heat transfer, the wall temperature rises. This is called overheating and the metal may lose some mechanical properties (elasticity, etc.). These can cause local shape disturbances and cause the pipe to explode.
Sewage system components
-Sewage valve V-3F-
Main body and cover: AISI 304 stainless steel (option AISI 316) Operating temperature: -50 / + 210 & deg; C
Pressure Rating: PN40