MG-33S + EG-11 level control device is a compatible liquid level system that can be integrated into the automation system for remote monitoring of the water tank. The reed switch in the proportional bar creates an aiming signal with the aid of a magnet and converts this signal into an automatic signal with the help of a control panel.
It can be integrated into 4-20mA or 0-10V automation signals and contacts to alarm or complete pump start/stop at the desired point. You can contact the system by connecting a 0.75 mm shielded cable between the EG-11 2R control panel supplied with the product and the level indicator and the socket connection to which the scale bar is installed.
All steam and hot water boilers
Wastewater system
Loading and unloading containers
All chemical and petrochemical tanks
Petroleum and petroleum product storage tanks
Oil Boiler
Diesel fuel tanks and generator sets
Submarine, helicopter and ship fuel tank
Continuous, easy monitoring
Seal structure
Customize lengths and connections as required
can work in varying density streams
Applicable to a variety of installation methods
Long service life
easy to repair
One-piece molding up to 4 meters